Undercover Landscapes was awarded this project by Western Earthmoving, to provide revegetation works to the Riparian Corridor of the Jordan Springs Estate
Undercover Landscapes assisted Lend Lease with the selection of plant species and sizes to maximise the impact of the site.
WHS is of paramount importance to Western Earthmoving and Lend Lease and our WHS System allowed us to exceed their expectations and ensure100% compliance.
The area to be landscaped consisted of a new drainage corridor which takes stormwater from the surrounding new housing Estate. Undercover Landscapes improved the existing soils by ripping the subsoil, adding quality compostand cultivating the area with a tractor mounted rotary how. This combination ensured the best possible soil conditions for the successful implementation ofthe landscape.
Works included excavation, ripping and cultivation,amelioration of soils, installation of Jute Net and Jute Mat, advanced tree stock supply and installation and mass planting of over 400,000 shrubs, grassesand wetland plants.
The majority over the tubestock for this project were grown in Undercover Landscapes’ own nursery.
Temporary Irrigation system was installed and remains for the duration of the maintenance period to ensure
Project Highlights
The works were carried out during a very challenging period of extreme heat, heavy rain and very windy conditions. With the dedicated hard work of Undercover Landscapes experienced maintenance team during the plant establishment period, the landscape was presented in the best possible condition.